Shipping Information
* Please be aware that if you purchase 2-day Priority Mail shipping it means the order ships from our facility in 2 business days instead of the standard 4 business days. It does not mean the order will be delivered in 2 days. We do not offer any expedited delivery and we cannot refund any shipping fees once the order has shipped.
Shipping Options And Transit Time
Domestic: Please allow 4 business days for orders to be shipped out from our warehouse. Delivery time is anywhere between 7-14 business days depending on the destination.
International: Please allow 4 business days for orders to be shipped out from our warehouse. Delivery time is anywhere between 2-6 weeks depending on the destination and customs conditions. USPS shipping provides a limited tracking function. Please know that your order is considered fulfilled and expected to be delivered once it has left our facility. You will need to contact your countries international mail provider to determine where the package is once it has shipped, we have no way of tracking the item for you and consider the purchase complete once it leaves our facility.
Global Post International: Due to COVID-19 and mass transport delays shipping to Australia, we now have the option of shipping with Global Post International. The delivery time for Global post delivery time is, on average, 4 weeks from purchase. This delivery time varys with current restrictions and delays. Thank you for your patience.
* Please also be aware that international customers are responsible for paying customs fees upon pick up in destination country, as well as shipping and handling fees (which are paid on the website at time of purchase.) These are separate fees and the customer is responsible for paying them, we have to ship all packages in accordance with USPS guidelines.
Weight Restrictions with Free Shipping Option
Most orders qualify for our free shipping promotions, but we reserve the right to cancel any orders which would incur an abnormal shipping cost burden on our end. For these orders we will reach out and offer to fulfill the order with appropriate shipping charges.
Orders "Returned to Sender" by Postal Service
If your package is unable to be delivered for any reason and is returned to our facility, we will issue you a refund for the price of the contents when we receive the package. Shipping and handling charges will not be refunded for these orders. Free Subscription T-shirts are not eligible for reshipment. Customers ordering from our website should ensure they have their packages delivered to a secure mailbox or location, we cannot be responsible for items lost or stolen once they have been delivered by the postal service.