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Thrasher Magazine December 2018

December 2018

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Uh, is that a backside 5-0 down 24 stairs of serpentine steel on the front? Yeah! Listen up, Zion Wright is not here to fu*k around! Welcome to the last issue of 2018—closing it out with a BANG! We’re talking behind the scenes with Boys of Summer, GX1000’s new joint, Pudwill and Daewon’s soon-to-be-announced Thank You brand, Heads interviews with Karsten Kleppan, Kevin Braun, Salomon Cardenas and Enzo Cautela (flow to pro for enjoi with possibly the biggest hardflip ever), an Indy all-out assault on the Midwest (with illustrations by Dolan Stearns), a 14-page Photo Feature, Grant Taylor breaking down five great frontside ollie practitioners, Myles Willard getting the Lunatic Fringe treatment, an Epic Spots with the Muscle Rail in Cincinnati (think Pappalardo’s gnarly backside 50-50 in Mosaic) and MORE! If 2019 is gonna top ’18, it better get its ass in gear ‘cause this one’s gonna be hard to beat.